Teton Valley Housing


Data & Policies

2022 Housing Needs Assessment

Data & Policies

To execute its mission, Teton Valley Housing utilizes the Housing Needs Assessment (updated every 5 years), Affordable Housing Strategic Plan (updated every 5 years), and the Housing Supply Plan (updated annually). Unique studies, such as the Employee Generation Study, are also conducted. Teton Valley Housing is currently developing its policies and rules for housing eligibility, which will be posted below. Also check out our Partner Information under the Housing Resources tab.

2022 Housing Needs Assessment

Teton Valley Housing partnered with Teton County, Wyoming, to produce the Teton Region Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) in 2022, which replaces the 2014 Regional Housing Needs Assessment that was the basis for the Housing Authority's creation in 2016. The 2022 HNA process involved a significant outreach to households, employers and employees, ultimately finding that the Teton Valley community needs 1165 to 1580 homes (half rentals and half ownership) by 2027 just to meet the demand for workforce housing, with at least 60% needing to be priced below market level. The HNA consultant team headed by WSW Consulting also found that Teton Valley Housing was on the right track with its projects and programs and generally ahead on meeting the challenge as compared to similar communities.

2023 Employee Generation Study

This Land Use and Employee Generation Study documents current links between the construction of new commercial and residential development, the employees generated or induced by the development, and those employees’ need for housing. The information may be used by the local jurisdictions in Teton County, Idaho to inform incentive standards and support annexation and entitlement negotiations and other discretionary planning decisions where the impacts of new development on affordable housing may be mitigated. The study will also inform developers on the need for affordable workforce housing to serve their proposed development and encourage inclusion of such housing in their plans.

2019 Affordable Housing Strategic Plan

Before the cities and county appointed commissioners to the Teton County Joint Housing Authority, they jointly supported an ad-hoc technical advisory group, which prepared the 2019 Affordable Housing Strategic Plan that would guide Teton Valley Housing at the outset. The Housing Authority quickly began implementing the recommended top priorities, resulting in the Depot Square affordable housing project and securing of land agreements with City of Victor and Teton County for additional projects. Teton Valley Housing will be updating the strategic plan and identifying top strategic priorities with its partners to reflect new information and opportunities that have been identified through the 2022 Housing Needs Assessment and elsewhere.

2021 Housing Supply Plan

To meet the needs identified in the Housing Needs Assessment (HNA), Teton Valley Housing prepares an annual Housing Supply Plan. The 2021 Housing Supply Plan contains brief descriptions of anticipated projects and the expected unit numbers and types. The Housing Supply Plan is currently being updated to reflect new data from the 2022 HNA as well as new opportunities and updated project information.

Housing Eligibility Definitions & Rules

Teton Valley Housing will be adopting definitions and eligibility requirements for occupancy-restricted and affordability-restricted housing units. These policies and rules will be posted here soon.